Au revoir

We are home now.
6 weeks till next visit.
I am counting.
Little ones are like sponges - they soak everything up. When Corin shouted through to ask whether I wanted Caff or Decaff tea, D mimicked me almost immediately with "Decaff please". Similarly, I praised Jacob for excellent imaginative play with "Superb!" And that became the new word. They seem to have changed just in the last three days.

Been a lovely few days even though I have been a prize sulky cow and bordering on downright objectionable I think. Good job my family love me.

Sadly, we missed Mum as we left before she and Roy arrived, but we had a brief chat via text as the afternoon progressed.

6 hours to get home.

So, tomorrow...I really should do some work but frankly, it's the last day of the holiday and in line with the only resolution o have made (Family first - see yesterday), I think I am going to only do what is needed for my lessons and I will do the rest in work over the next few days.

If you are still contemplating...please consider a pledge to secure Blipfoto's future...

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