Family First

No New Year resolutions about "New me" or anything else.
Just one simple thing - Family First - above all else, above work, above the pressures of OFSTED, accountability.
Family first might mean that I get my shit together.  Health wise.  Mentally. Emotionally.
I hope to be a better version of me by this time next year, but I am realistic!

I haven't done a blip with the word 'blip' in it.  Not because I object to the sentiment.  Nor am I a hardened harridan who doesn't care.  I care - I have been here for 7years and 10 months almost.  I have blipped my daily life, my divorce, my marriage, my health issues, my work, my son growing up, the chaos, the hard stuff, the amazing's all here.  I do not want this community to disappear.  I have pledged a decent sum to the cause and I will raise awareness and am doing in different ways.  However, my journal is my journal and I have very much used it as a memory bank for my life.  This picture of my brother and one of his twin boys sums up my day and my feelings for today (read above - Family First).  It would be disingenuous and incongruous to have thrown 'blip' into the image.
So please, if you have a personal opinion about the fact that I haven't incorporated 'blip' into my image, please don't berate me about it below.  However, if you feel strongly about the community, then please DO VISIT the BlipCentral blog, do some research and seriously consider making a pledge.  If you need further information, then click here Blipfuture - Invest

This is a fabulous place, full of fabulous people, many of whom I count amongst my friends and who have shown me love, affection and support in equal measures - I would feel the loss.

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