Box Brownie

It appears to be made of cardboard with a black covering. I reckon it was well used and the canvas case would bear that out.

I expect it was my Dad's and probably dates from 1937. His brother in law then took up the hobby and developed his own photos for years. Luckily this means thet are lots of wee old photos from this time frame-some with adventurous effects.

It was in my mum's granny flat in our new house, which I have been in today trying to clear the last of her stuff out.
I could have blipped old lace, old material, buttons and poppers, hats, gloves, silver cutlery (some monogrammed!) or dishes by the mile.
She never gave away or threw anything out as far as I can ascertain. Old envelopes from the 1930's, postcards, birthday cards, kirby grips, new tea towels by the mile...

I have been surprised how little some of the new, still boxed Danish porcelain china we gave her from the 1970's is worth second hand.

Even this little beauty will only fetch about £12 on e bay as far as I can gather.

We still have other old cameras in our loft, including the cine camera my Dad loved.  Precious memories from a simple little contraption, which gave pleasure to so many and became really affordable.

One of the icons of our time.

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