The Way Ahead

Or maybe it is looking back.
Only time will tell.

We had been invited to Brunch in the village hall along the road from the H's - not that it is a village ..... more of a spread out hamlet.

Before we went along PD brought me his collar and insisted on being taken for a walk (even though he was not long back from a long walk). He was obviously thinking - it is morning, they are here, they take me for a walk in the morning when I see them!
I wasn't dressed for it .... no ear covering hat, slippery soled smart shoes and trousers not suited to a biting wind.....but I wasn't getting away with it!

Brunch was a great spread and loads of fun - and lasted 3 hours. SWMBO and I were again told by one of the residents that we "had" to attend her open house in the afternoon.

Then it was back to the H's for a cuppa and a seat (although PD insisted on another walk which Mrs H obliged with).

After that  we wandered along to the 'open house'.
Absolutely brilliant!
Wonderful company, live music (not too loud) and we were not allowed to leave without having something eat.
There was a HUGE spread brought out - way more than the 24 people there could eat!
It was after 10pm when we finally managed to get out.

Now THAT was a New Years day!

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