
By LadyPride

Official Human Being

Audrey is now an Official Human Being. We registered her birth at the Town Hall, she has an NHS number and a birth certificate and everything!!!

It felt so weird. We made her (ahem), I gave birth to her and now she's a person. You'd have thought I might have already considered this fundamentally awesome fact already; but there really hasn't been time. Today it hit me right between the eyes as I signed her birth certificate.

Rhona at the Registration office seemed quite jaded. We were in with her just after a death and ahead of a marriage registration. Her office is the place important stuff happens. She's probably seen it all. She gave us the once over as we entered - trendy pram, sunglasses hiding dark circles, excited smiles. Yep, new parents, first child.

It was all very matter of fact. What were our jobs, dates of birth, when did we get married, where was Audrey born etc. I drifted off into a dream world imagining all the times Audrey would be using her certificate in the future. Passport applications, driving licence, bank account, mortgage applications.

Oh My God, I have a daughter. She's going to be a person, a proper person. And we created her!!! Crazy! I wonder what she'll do for a living?

The picture is of my husband last night trying to settle her. Colic returned. As did the screaming. Exhausting!

Why am I trying to guess her future career choices? With lungs like hers she's obviously going to be an Opera Singer.

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