Bavelaw Burn

This is the stream that flows out of the Threipmuir and Harlaw Reservoirs and powers the recently opened Harlaw Community Hydro Electricity Scheme.

Having been cooped up inside since Boxing Day I ventured out for a short walk in cold conditions. Didn't know if this was a good idea and I did feel unsteady but as I thought I had begun to turn the corner I felt it couldn't do too much harm.

Count down to the New Year would be just the three of us watching the New Year in on TV while the others went into the city for Edinburgh's world famous Hogmanay celebrations.

But it was not to be, while watching TV the coughing became more persistent and painful so we decided to ring 111 to ask their advice. The upshot was that I as given an appointment for 00.30am at the out of hours surgery at the St John's Hospital in Livingston. So at the turn of the year we were driving along icy roads to the hospital.

The hospital was unerringly quiet. Nobody in A&E at all, still out revelling I suppose. Fortunately it wasn't anything sinister. I was concerned about pneumonia and I've just got to tough it out.

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