
I am very blessed that we have such wonderful people in our lives. One of them is this darling lady here. Katie utterly adores her. And it's down to blip that we know her. 

Today was our "Explore London" day. We had a piano practice, set off and were in the city shortly after 10. We popped to M&M world and then walked to the National Gallery. The very first thing she saw was the big shop with the James Mayhew collection so she made me take her in there right to start. We had an amazing time in the gallery. She hunted for art that she recognised from her "Katie and the...." books. We found Monet, Van Gogh, Renoir, Degas and more. She loved it. She also loved the Botticini exhibition and have some lovely time enjoying the actual building itself too - the beautiful staircases and ceilings fascinated her. 

We had some time watching a bubble blowing guy in Trafalgar Square and wandered round the fountains before we walked through Charing Cross back to Leicester Square and took tubes to Notting Hill Gate. Where we found J. And where we then went on to find Catherine, Callum and Reuben with some friends of theirs. It was a delightful visit, all the children were happy, playin together despite never having met/it being a long time. The grown ups enjoyed a chat and drinks. 

After we left them, we headed home to my cousins for afternoon tea and helping get ready for the evening. I put the girl down for a sleep before we went out to a fabulous new years eve party. Lots of food, lots of laughter, lots of party poppers and dancing. She made it through to midnight and celebrated with 2 champagne glasses full of milk! 

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