Hogmanay 2015

The whole of Edinburgh is choc- a -bloc with tourists intent on bringing in 2016 with a frenzy of music and fire works.
The Athens of the North resembles a huge busy fairground where humans fly above us in an impossible high orbit, horses prance around a carousel in never ending rotation, stalls still market their now jaded Christmas goods and the streets are filled with barricades in readiness for tonight's jollifications.

His Lordship and I braved the seemingly endless swarms of oriental students, spilling over pavements and onto the roadway as they rubbed the nose of Greyfriar's Bobby and took photos of the Elephant House, which they mistakenly think is the birthplace of Harry Potter.
I was on a mission to buy wool while HL was on a separate mission to buy food- a husband marches on his stomach.

We are looking forward to staying warm inside tonight and let the revellers party.
It's all so commercial and different from past times when we Edinburgers gathered at the Tron Church for the bells, wished everyone present a happy new Year, threw in a few kisses to strangers for good measure and then went home to party in someone's house.
Ah the good old days........ don't get me started, it's just my age you understand!

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