A promise for the New Year

Sleeping better and waking with the sun. This morning it was long enough before the sunrise, for me to get out to the point at the edge of the cliff, and take a series of photos as the sun cam above Scandrett Park to the south of Algies Bay. This was soon after the sun was far enough above the peninsula to cast a track of golden light directly toward me. 

It was a still and warm morning, which became a hot sunny day until later this afternoon, when the wind and clouds came from the east. 

I finished another Terry Pratchett Discworld book, and cleaned the BBQ ready for the gathering tomorrow for the birthday of S' brother's oldest who is briefly back from England.

Now awaiting the arrival of daughter J who will spend New Year's Eve here with us. We've done this a number of times since she returned from the UK, and we have enjoyed the fireworks display that is put on down at Snells Beach.

Today's blip is the completion of five consecutive calendar years of taking and posting a daily photograph. Because I started in November 2010, my five year mark was reached six weeks ago. A younger version of me pursued long streaks of daily running. This is easier. And more fun. I do hope blipfuture succeed; I have pledged.

Happy New Year all.

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