Oddball day!

The calm after the storm! My God last night was a gale on Hebridean epic proportions for us here in Argyll. Just like the gales we faced when we lived on the island. We survived any damage, though the neighbours across the road lost their greenhouse and fence and a gable end came down in Lochgilphead plus my friend had a job saving their conservatory and hen house!
Today has been  just a lazy day though I am starting to get bored. We can't get down to Glasgow as the bloody Rust & Be Thankless is closed. This time the landslide hit a car and papped it onto the safety barrier! they were lucky it didn't chuck them hurtling down the ravine! That place is a tragedy waiting to happen, it's the reason I drive down it as fast I dare! In fact the neighbours think the car in question was their cousins! TV is boring too. Dogs are sleeping. Do I get my colouring book out or watch a rubbish film! I cooked enough food yesterday to last us two days in case the power went off ! Too organised I am.

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