
In Glasgow today and was crossing the road to the house when I spotted a car trying to turn the tight corner but couldn't cause there was a kid aged about6 standing on the road. He was with his big sister who was about8 . I told him to get off the road to let the car pass. He duly moved and the car got by. The next thing I hear is the wee niaff repeating what I said in his big6 year old voice. I thought you wee sh** so I turned and went back to him and told him he was a rude wee brat. He knew fine he had overstepped the mark but still stood and glared at me so I said the next time maybe you won't be so lucky when you choose to argue with a car. He lives a couple of houses along and his home counties accented mother has no control over her three wee brats. Theses folks get right up my neb! I hate cheeky kids. The next thing she will be getting him diagnosed as ADHD as an excuse for her crap parenting. Grrrrr

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