Beach Babes

We having a lazy day after a full day in the car yesterday - It took us us about 8 hours (including a stop) to get home, the roads were awful!  

Scarlett wanted to 'go in' the sea, so we drove to Rottingdean with the boys so she could go to the beach but when she saw that it was a little rough she didn't want to go in (obviously we wouldn't have let her, but at least she made her own mind up about it).

We went to Molly's cafe as we fancied a hot chocolate but it was very busy and they said it would be at least 15 minutes to get a drink and even longer for food.  So we decided to go to one of the other cafes, but that was full too so instead we got some chips from the chippy and came home.

Scarlett's now curled up on the sofa with the boys watching her new Minions movie, and I think Rachel & I are ready for a nap!  Even though we're doing nothing it's nice to be with my girls :-)

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