Mono Monday - Room 101 - mm101

We went for a walk around home before lunch and as usual I got left behind taking photos. One of farms we walked past had this beautiful German Shepherd keeping watch. It had a very deep bark to go with it's size and if I didn't like dogs I'd have been quite scared by both. I had a bit of a chat with it and it got up on the gate to have a nose at me. I didn't pat it though as I wasn't sure what might happen. I've put the colour versions on to Flickr so you can see what a beautiful dog it is.
I would consign irresponsible dog owners to Room 101 for leaving dog mess all over the place. I also don't like hearing dogs barking incessantly all day when they've been ignored by their owners, seems very unfair to me. Rant over!

Thanks to Skeena for hosting this month and don't forget to tag your entry mm101 if you're joining in.

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