Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Belted Kingfisher

I finally dragged my lazy self out of the house today in search of a derelict photo.  I wasn't very impressed with pictures of rusty gates and crumbling fences so I stopped to take some pictures of Mallards on a small stream.  While standing outside my car, not properly dressed for the cold, I heard the unmistakable rattling call of a Kingfisher.  I started scanning the trees and then I saw him dive into the water and fly over to this limb to savor his catch in the sun.  He was so far away, I could barely see him except through the camera.  My tripod was at home so I took about 75 shots of him fully zoomed trying not to shake from the cold.  This was the best of the lot.  Not the sharpest, but it still made me happy.  I only see them once or twice a year and then I don't usually get a shot even this good.  Someday, I'll see one closer and I'll have my tripod and I'll get a great shot. ;-)

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