Trying to hitchike to UFO

Sometimes distance is needed. 
Often actually. Desperately. If I could fly away to the moon or something. Could be cosy there. 

After this very angry day I again have been wondering if I belong to this world at all, that maybe I am from outer space: I so often seem to be the weird one. 

In the night I took some distance and drove to this quiet shore to find passing UFO and hitchike into one, but did not see any.

Then I remembered the feeling as I some time ago did this personality test - and how I have been so reliefed since: There is other ones thinking like me, feeling like me, reacting like me. It has been kind of good news, even as this personality type is very rare. Only 1-2% of all western population. I have met one of them in the real life during my adult life - nice to have one friend who has my kind of state of mind. 

Of course one should cope also with the rest of people, only 99% of them, somehow...

And of course it is nice to have blippers around. 

By the way, I have pledged, done my share, but have not made a decicion wether to continue blipping or to leave it. Remains to be seen after you others have made up your mind!


ps.  -5c, still night, drove half an hour to this lake in the middle of the night. Moonlight glittering on icy grass.

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