Boxing Day resting

Finnish tradition is to visit relatives latest in Boxing day, so we were not the only one on the road driving. Many of the drivers were "sunday drivers", (my daughter was quite tensed as she drove in the middle of the slow traffic). We headed to the country to visit hubby's parents. Relaxing visit, as often. They have always been so close to me, maybe closer than my own parents.
(Which has been very hard for my mother to understand as she read this issue from this site. But it is very different thing to feel someone close than to love someone. Of course I love my parents - in a way that you love your parents - they both have surely done the best they could for me. I quess every parent does. The truth is however, that to this point of my travel there is actually very many other people close me, in my life, closer even than my parents. And I think it is normal. )

What is the best thing in christmas - is short afternoon nap.

In the blip there is the view outside the grandparent's window at 4pm as I woke up. Maybe nap needed due the strong country air. :) Anyway the scenery with the christmas decorations indoors and outdoors (with 3-layered window as normally here) made the scene to tempting to blip.

Some snowing today, but unfortunately only few flakes in the air. Getting cooler anyway -3c, but the strong wind made it feel -11c.

Walk in the cemetery in the evening. Me and daughter had red cheeks:)


Ps. Please check the moon river over the lake Längelmävesi on our way back home.

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