
By Mindseye

On the eve of Christmas!

Busy busy busy, lots to do today, so a quick front garden blip of this fruit, that comes later on our magnolia tree, following its earlier buds!

Daughter and granddaughter Emily came to visit for a couple of hours this morning! Then it was prep time, lots of peeling, hub helped too, potatoes, carrots, sprouts, parsnips, cabbage, onions. Then out came the Blender to blitz the breadcrumbs for my stuffing, first batch and guess what?! The blade attachment snapped off....nooooooo! Neighbours to the rescue! I rang them and Dave popped round to ours so I could use theirs, catastrophe averted :-)

Made the stuffing, shredded cabbage partially cooked with sautéed onions in butter, mixed with fresh chopped sage, to be finished off in the oven tomorrow.

Just time to make some mince pies, Jamie Oliver style, using filo and puff pastry, before
preparing for this evening buffet, king prawns, pork pie, Christmas ham, fresh bread, chutney, pickles, spicy chicken pieces, crackers and selection of cheeses and home made mince pies..........with a glass or two of something nice :-)

Hub did a last dash around with the vac and we washed and changed just in time for youngest son and wife arriving, armed with gifts galore.

We cracked open the beers, followed by red wine, and the odd other thing along the way and had a lovely Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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