Happy Christmas!

We had a great journey arriving at mum's at 2pm - there were more people on the roads than we thought but it was still a lot quieter than normal so it's definitely a good day to travel.

At nearly three years old, it's been an exciting day for Scarlett who's had so many presents, and naturally we came with more, but she was equally happy giving everyone else their presents and watching them open them.

We went to the local Italian restaurant for dinner this evening which was very busy so the service was rather slow, but it saved the hassle of cooking and there was a nice atmosphere.

After everything that's happened this year my view on Christmas has changed - it doesn't matter about presents (and this year we've bought less!), it's about family and friends and good health. And definitely children make it special. So on that note, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope you've had a good one!

I didn't actually take many photos, but here you have Alan and I with our gorgeous granddaughter.

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