A Bit Of Awesomeness

Round to Bags far too early today ........... SWMBO and her had to go and pick up the shopping at 7am - from 2 shops!

I just kept the doors shut so there was no light to give a hint to the monsters that it might be time to get up.
It worked until the women arrived back at 8am.

SWMBO had a hair cutting mid morning - which is where I snapped the
Yew  ...... I love the textures on Yew trees.

Bags' boss told her to pack it in at 10am so she was able to join us taking the monsters to the (local) cinema to see that film that they didn't get to see yesterday.
When we came out and were waiting to pay for the parking there was a bloke having a go at one of these machine where you grab a toy with a mechanical arm. He failed and walked away. The Cygnet then started playing with it and got a soft toy! ...... turns out it is time limited not just one shot. So with 20 seconds to go I had a shot and got a yoyo and 2 kids keyrings! Success.

A cracking fractured sky on the way home - just a shame it was the infrared camera to hand (I really must get my other one back from Chicken Lady).

Presents are now wrapped (and some family ones delivered) and I am going to sit and relax - maybe with a dram or two.

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