Lala's Journal

By Lala

Christmas Eve

A lovely walk along the very windy beach this morning.
Our Christmas Eve was quiet compared to previous years. In our young lives, way back when, I used to spend this day making mince pies, sausage rolls and the children made Yule Logs for us and our elderly neighbour. As foster carers, this day was often spent hosting contact visits for birth families. A bitter sweet day for all concerned. One year, I spent the afternoon upstairs with a toddler while I attempted to find a duty social worker to allow an impromptu visit with his, just released from prison father, who was outside in the street, shouting and crying because he wanted to see his son. I was eventually rescued by a sensible policeman who offered to be the reliable adult while the young father had a visit with his boy!
The last really enjoyable, celebratory Christmas was in 2009.

This year, Mr L will spend Christmas Day on our own, being very quiet and doing not a lot!

Best wishes and Happy Christmas to anyone who has dropped in.

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