The Color Purple

I have been sporadically trying my new close-up lens set...with very limited success. It seems like for every good one...there are 10 out of focus. Not very good odds. If I hit 1 out of 10 in the major leagues...I would soon be in the minors. We'll keep trying.

I put a couple more shots on my flickr page, although the double bee shot was with my 70-300 lens...not the close-ups.

Another 90-plus day here, and our AC unit went out yesterday. It is probably 30 years old, so I guess it has served its time. is really hot in the house. Hope it can be replaced soon.

Big day tomorrow. Family dinner at noon...kickball game at 2... (hope they cancel it)...fireworks at about 10. It's kind of bad...30 minutes of fireworks...then 40-45 minutes to get home. (And it's only 3 miles away!!)

Fireworks impression...BAM!!! POW!!! KA-BOOM!!!....

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