
Increasingly work has brought me down to London this year - both for the Association of British Climbing Walls and more recently for Sport England.
It's fair to say that despite growing up in Salford and Manchester I'm not really a city type - but our capital is a fantastic place to visit, and I've made very good friends here - so its becoming more and more of a pleasure to hop on a train, read a book, and make the journey South. This evening I met up with FairweatherGirl as well as drinks & laughs we even managed a short stroll along the river - great to see the recovery progressing so well.

Whilst Stratford might not be most people's first choice of place to stay its super convinient for meetings in the Olympic village and for connections to several of our member climbing walls plus there's a Wagamamas', which is always a bonus. So its where I usually stay, enough so that I feel comfortable here now & thought it worth recording. Whilst not my usual thing - and difficult to photograph as hotels seem intent on not letting you open the window - the view from the 10th floor is pretty impressive at night.

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