Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Snaking About

SWMBO managed to sleep for 14 hours solid......and she is only just starting to increase the tablet dose!
By the time she gets to what she is meant to take she will be sleeping 29 hours a day.
No wonder they say the tablets should decrease the 'absences' her epilepspy cause ....... she is never going to be awake to have any!!!

However, in the afternoon we headed in to town to go to a show.

On the way down to the Playhouse I took some shots of the walkway over Leith Street. I have murdered a couple in Photoshop - just as something different for me.

We had lunch and a drink in the Playhouse bar before watching "Pricilla - Queen Of The Desert" --- very colourful and funny. From a male perspective I was slightly disappointed with the Ping-Pong ball trick .... but, hey!, it was done as well as they could in public.

After the show we had a wander about looking at the lights and so forth.
In true panto style I would have loved to shout "IT'S BEHIND YOU", but I chickened out.
I was quite pleased with how THIS turned out since it was so dark you could hardly see it (especially as I didn't have a tripod).
The way the wind was picking up I was surprised that the entertainment  was still running.
When we arrived in the High Street the lights were unlit  so we had a mulled wine and hung around just looking at "stuff" .... I wonder how many signs there actually are painted over each other in that.

When the 'Street of Lights' did come on (fantastic music by Handel to accompany it I have to say) I eventually settled on a window sill to stand on and get even higher than the boy on his dad's shoulders.
Unfortunately I wasn't a guest so I wasn't allowed on the gallery over the High Street to look right down the middle of the lights so this was the closest I got to seeing it all lit up.

On our way down to the market The Balmoral was looking good - just a shame they had forgotten to switch on the fairy lights at the top of the tower ... again.
The place was heaving with Hoolets (and hoolits) and people with no manners or consideration and no place for somebody who really doesn't like crowds (like SWMBO), so we made our way past the kids entertainment and went for our meal that had been pre-booked.
SWMBO managed through the meal and a glass of wine but didn't look to great by the end so there were no diversions or picture taking and we just made our way to the station in ample time to get the train home.
Or it should have been.
But it was like the Japanese subway with 'pushers' trying to get folk on as we approached.
We didn't even get the opportunity but were turned away being told to get the next one ...... which was an hour and a half later and the last train so I hate to think what that would be like or how many would be stranded.
So we went and got on the train to go to the other station in Livingston.
We got on and got a seat but a few minutes later there was hardly any standing room on that train either (and they run every 20 minutes and a lot later on that line!).
Son-in-law was good enough to meet us and take us home.

All in all it was a good day and thanks must go to our kids who had paid for the show and the meal in the way of Birthday and Christmas presents.

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