Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Maltese Lace

This has to be the laziest day in a long, long time.

After going to bed at 10.30pm last night SWMBO was given a cup of tea at 10.30am.
She surfaced at 11.30am and fell asleep on the couch at 12.45pm.
At 3.15pm she sort of came round and went back to bed until 7.30pm when I took her some pasta.
I think she may have been awake for half an hour before bed called again.
I put my money on her managing to sleep through until the alarm goes off at 7am.

I have done sod all ............ extreme sleep patterns have brought on minor strokes in SWMBO before so I don't want to risk leaving her to go and do my own thing.

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