
It is just so dark and dreary in the mornings at the moment - even when it's not raining, it's grey and, well, dark!

A full on day - Princess had a party in Truro so I caught the train with Her and Boy. Got her to the party in time and took Boy off to the CakeyBirdHouse where we were met by MrRoly and Smallest. A pleasant hour or so there before collecting Princess and heading home again.

Then operation "Clean the filthy house that has been neglected while I've revised" commenced. A roaring success and I can relax properly into Christmas knowing that all that needs doing is a quick whizz round with the vacuum in Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately my plans to take part in JazzyB's bake off have gone to the wall with no chance of me decorating the Christmas Cake until Wednesday now. Sorry Jazzy :-(

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