18 months old

Happy 1.5 yrs old to our beautiful, crazy and still sick baby girl!
You wouldn't know she was ill, she's such a little trooper.

Now at 18 months you are into everything! You still love cats and animals and your favourite songs are baa baa, row row and pat a cake.
You like trying to dress up; putting things on and over your head and trying to put your socks and shoes on.
You hate having your nappy changed and your nose wiped!

You are talking lots now and can say please, thank you, hello, bye bye, Daddy, Memmy, Anna, Nanny, Gandad, Gandma, yes and no!
Your favourite words at the moment seem to be baby, purple, garden, Evie, car and of course Cat cat.

You make us smile every day, we love you!

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