Happy half a year!

Where has the time gone? She's 6 months old already!

Swimming was cancelled this morning but I took Anya to the pool anyway as we've missed 3 weeks with chicken pox. She loved it and was so excited to be in the pool again.
We stopped off in town on the way home then played at home with Christmas music playing and the wind blowing outside; just me & my beautiful baby girl. Slow down, you're growing too fast!

As for the new Blip site, I don't want to be too negative as I appreciate it must have been a lot of work for the team but I, like many others really don't like the white background & miss some of the other features that seem to have gone. Let's hope Blip listen to the feedback and consider making a few changes.
I'm not yet able to use Blip on my phone so won't be able to browse or comment very much (even less than before!) because my laptop is sooo slow!

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