Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Over-close juji uke

I woke stupidly early this morning, after a restless night, and needed to wake myself up (since we are still sans coffee machine, after putting it in last weekend for a new steam arm) - so of course I did some karate training a little after 5 am. Then this afternoon I was home early, as I had computer training close to home - and it took half the time scheduled. What to do but more karate? ;)

In 35 degree C heat, on bricks that had been baking all afternoon.

I was dripping - both sweat and virtue. ;) As can be seen clearly by the beaded and bright pink face:

Oi zuki; 

morote ura zuki.

For the day's pic though, I'm going with this mistake.

Go Flickr it.

I had intended to do a full shot (and one is to be found on Flickr), but set myself up too close to the camera. I liked the result though, for some reason.


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