Jess & Molly Law

By jml

A learning process

In yesterday's blip, I used the word beautify in relation to our two heroes. This morning, Molly was thoroughly successful in unbeautifying herself!!

On a beach walk, sho found something filthy in one of the dunes. Of course she promptly rolled in it and was promptly covered in *?#%.

Not the first time this has happened - here is a previous occasion when she had done something similar.

For us, the learning process kicked in immediately. Mrs jml got out her mobile and called me at home to let me know the score. Before They could all return, I had laid a'red carpet' for Molly - all the doggy towels I could find stretching from the front door to the shower.

Molly showed that she too has been learning. She jumped out of the car and allowed herself to be led along the carpet and straight into the shower - all without a struggle.

And, as the blip shows, I have a lot to learn too. I used my new toy, the iPad, to take the photograph. Even with the large screen, I could not see what I was shooting (bright sunshine at my back). As you can see, I must keep myself aware of exactly where the camera lens is!!

Another thing I must learn is how to insert a link when submitting from my iPad. I had to go on to my 'real' computer to get the link above correct.

But I can take this opportunity to let you know that if you do follow the link, you will find a further link to take you onto a photo of Molly in the shower!

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