Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Old Bar

Being a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, things got decidedly hazy, rather quickly, at the grand re-union at a favourite watering hole.
Four gorgeous men and me...very enjoyable.

It was interesting to get an overview of Edinburgh from someone who knew it well but has been away for many years.
They were horrified at the state of the Old Town, a location they'd lived in and loved.
Much discussed was how the local residents are being squeezed out to make way for increasingly pricey tourist accommodation - and how it's ripping the heart out of what was a thriving, diverse community.
(a topic close to my heart and no doubt will appear again)

The serious stuff was put aside and we moved on to one of Edinburgh's fall back Italian eateries. (the only place guaranteed to accommodate late night customers)
Some things, at least are constant.
Nameless, because we were laughing at how the waiters managed to combine trying to create an air of intimacy...with not giving a toss!
Home made pasta...? Hmm, jury's still out.

Mentioned Blip...(too much)...and how it has stopped me being quite so consumed by, everything is fuel, right?

My previous partner crime (hitting the clubs to go dancing in the wee small hours) is now added to the list of those who guffawed loudly about recent interest in birdwatching! - then confessed that he and his partner also partook of said activity. Hah!

All too brief re-union as they head back to France and Academia tomorrow.

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