Timing is everything

After a promising start yesterday, I took the chance of another rain-threatened day to head down to the darkrooms for some more printing.

Before doing so we took in Pixar's Brave screening in EdFilmFest's Best of the Fest after last night's premiere. Very enjoyable, just the surprise 3D-ness of it meant that I was getting p*ssed off with the glasses by the halfway point. And I have worn glasses since I was 4, so I should be used to it.

As I have told others, it is worth seeing and the animation looks amazing. Although there is an awful lot of incredibly well animated, but very ginger hair on show. Make sure to look out for some good old colloquialisms in there too, not that you often hear them in your daily life...jings crivens.

I reckon Visit Scotland will be pretty happy with this film.

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