Meatballs and Meetings

Quite a contrast to yesterday's blip... spent most of day visiting a certain place where we ate Swedish meatballs for lunch. The best bit was that, at the next table, my daughter thought she recognized someone from our early days in Brazil - in the end, I went over and, before I'd even asked, she'd jumped up and hugged me. Really good to catch up - her husband is now the pastor of the Baptist church that started the Jericho Foundation, mentioned a couple of days ago on my journal. Coincidences...

M and I bought nothing except some coffee beans and some lingonberry jam, and that was only because a blip friend in Sweden made a load of it this autumn and I want to see what it's like. The problem is that M always reckons he can make things better himself... Oh well, it was fun to have lunch together.

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