As Kingfishers Catch Fire...

Another totally grey day, but found plenty of beauty, and then... all eclipsed when I saw this kingfisher in the Newhall Valley, just sitting on a branch by the stream. Got some hurried shots, though could hardly see it properly, before it streaked off - knew I'd have to crop heavily. Walked along with Zion, then saw it again, perching long enough for me to get better shots - though still quite far away, on the other bank - I need a better zoom... Walking back, looked over the bridge, and there it was directly below me, on a blade of grass; unfortunately, camera was in the pushchair - still, it was magical, and I am grateful.

Zion was looking around, bemused, trying to see what his Granny was so excited about - not sure if he saw it or not; they're so small.

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