What A Giggle

I have no idea what the Cygnet thought he was doing this morning when we arrived - but he was insisting on wearing his hat while in his PJs.
The child is a nutter.

Headed off to Costco and arrived in time for free coffee, juice and cake - always a hit with the wee one. As was his free sample of jam butty.

I can't say I was too impressed with the "intermittant light rain showers" that we alegedlly got.

This evening the camera club members who turned up headed into the hall for lessons with the studio lights rather than venture out into the wide blue grey yonder.

I realised that the one lad who had asked if we could do a spot of studio lighting teaching was kind of being left out of it by some of the more 'vocal' members.
So I sneaked off and set up another light and got a willing volunteer a pressganged Mrs M to act as model.
Then I took the young lad and gave him a chance to learn about the studio light, how to put it all together and just to take some pictures without feeling rushed or intimidated.

It always amazes me that the so called introduction sessions that get done start off using 2 or 3 lights and there is an expectation that everyone knows how to get out, set up and use the lights - and also know all the technical terms.
There is always a rush to take loads of pictures and go through about 5 different lighting arrangements.
Just slow it down and don't scare the newcomers I say.

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