Here we go again!


Bibliothèque Mazarine

Although I worked at the Bibliothèque de l'Institut today, I stepped in to see the Bibliothèque Mazarine next door. This is the stairway that leads up to the library. I liked that it looks as though the statues are looking down, over the edge.

Ch spent the afternoon with a friend. She got to try Speed Rabbit pizza for the first time and rowed a boat at the Bois de Boulogne.

We are just waiting for J to get back now from his trip to Liège. I'm anxious to hear what he saw of stage 2 of the Tour.

P, K and little J left this morning. Through their experience we now know what it costs to park a car in a public lot overnight here - ouch! I hope they have a safe trip back. It was really nice to spend some time with them here. I hope little J will remember Paris, the bikes at the Tour and all of the delicious cho-co-lat!

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