First Bloom

The first bud on my orchid has opened. I've had this for three years now. I love it. I usually just kill them off. This was given to me for one of my kittens so it means a lot. I have another fifteen buds waiting to open. I think it will look beautiful. I love the colour.
Today I've been trying to sort out my exercise regime for next year. I'm not sure if I should continue with my boot sessions in the mornings. I love the fact it gets me up, I like the group I work with, it's local and it never bothers me what weather conditions I do it in. In a strange way the harsher the weather the more I feel I've accomplished something. The draw back is the session isn't long. I don't feel I'm getting too much out of it. I have to do a run after to feel I've got any benefit from it.
I have thought about getting there earlier and using the outdoor gym for a while. This time of year it's pretty lonely on your own in the dark though. I guess I could ask someone from the group to join me. What to do? I'm hopeless at making decisions.
I've also got to fit four swim sessions in per week, my runs, two bike rides, Zumba and gym. It seems a lot but needs to be done. I've entered a few events next year....let the training begin.
Last teaching tonight....then a nice long break. :)

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