
Thankfully today we witnessed once again what has become known in our family as the Southend Anomaly. When you wake up in Carradale and it is wet great and miserable, if you drive through Campbeltown to Southend on the southern tip of the Kintrye peninsula you get freakishly nice weather.

We had planned to go there anyway as it is a favourite spot on a drench day thanks to the delicious offerings in the tearoom at Muneroy Stores, and more often than not the Southend Anomaly comes into play and after lunch the fog lifts, the sun comes out and the children get to play on the beach as if it were a glorious summers day. This was the fourth time we had experienced the Anomaly, Carlos was sceptical at first bet could not argue when he saw it for himself.

Sadly the Anomaly can disappear as quickly as it comes and today was the perfect example of that, one minute the kids were jumping in the waves and I was taking photos then Carlos said we had better go. I couldn't figure out why but when I looked up I could see that we were completely surrounded by fog that had just rolled in and reduced the visibility dramatically.

Despite the fog I managed some pics of a big seal basking on the rocks on the shore thanks to Freya's eagle eyes. We drove back to Campbeltown by the 'scenic' route which I had never done before but it wasn't particularly scenic with the extremely low clouds and mist all around. When we reached sea level we had a great view of Davaar Island and have decided we should walk across another day, maybe on our next trip.

We came back to the house for tea and cake and now I'm going tog o and join the kids on the shore before Mr & Mrs B return and feed us lots more goodies.

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