Deserted piano (Day 217)

It has been horrible today.
Whilst Mrs. P. was at work, I ferried stuff to the dump and was pelted with hailstones in the process.
I had chose "music" as the subject for the 3 Bob challenge today, and suggested that HV and I should walk the dogs at Yesnaby so that I could get a couple of shots of the old piano in an abandoned building on the road to the cliffs. We managed most of the walk without being rained on, but we were blown around in the very strong wind, and soaked in the sea spray.
The extra shot today is a water fall being blown straight back up in the air. HV is in shot, videoing the scene. Yes, it is straight into the sun, yes, there is flare in the shot, and yes it is at a bit of an angle, but I could barely stand at the time.
Wheeliebloke will likely be along soon with something musical.

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