
On the way home from the dental hygienist ( more instructions on how to clean my teeth or more accurately gumline!) and having stocked  up with goodies to eat ( no sugary snacks of course?!)  I finally got to stop and explore a track I have been looking down as i drive past for 15 years or more! It is on a virtually hairpin bend with a quaint old house on the bend and fir trees planted as far as the eye can see. Just past the house was a parking bay and then a stile into the forest. I sauntered down the track and immediately came across this huge chimney! Beyond it was a fenced area, no doubt old remnants of the mining and liable to give way underfoot! Everywhere you go there are these derelict old chimneys, it's quite unnerving to come upon them unexpectedly, particularly when dwarfed by trees and hidden away! This one even had trees growing out the top!

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