
By DramaQueen

The story of us

3 years ago today, my life changed forever much for better I hasten to add ; it's the day I met Mr A.

It's no secret that we met online and he almost cancelled on me when a ferret bit his nose (that's a story on its own!), but he didn't think I'd believe him, so decided to go through with the date.
Trust me dear blipmates, that's far from the worst reason I ever had for someone cancelling a date on me! I'm so glad he did :-)

I was slightly worried when he said he'd rarely had a second date with anyone he met online, but something just clicked with us and within a matter of weeks we were inseparable; he spent just 11 nights at his own house in the first 12 months we were together.

We even got 'married' 3 months after we met; albeit for April Fools day! What was surprising about that was that most people weren't shocked at all by us 'getting hitched' so quickly; they knew how smitten we were with each other. I still love how we were the talk of the Chelsea football club press room that day!

I think we bring out the best in each other; I've learned to say yes to more things and I've done stuff I wouldn't normally dream of doing with his encouragement yes Mr A, I'm talking about the giant fucking swing in Cornwall
Colleagues always comment on what we've been up to; segways, hawk walks, beekeeping....there's never a dull moment!

Similarly, I've changed his attitude towards holidays; he loves them now! I can't think of a better person to travel the world with and its amazing to look back on all the amazing places we've visited. He's more chilled about work too; he used to work loads of overtime, just because he had nothing better to do. Now he'd rather come home and spend time with me.

We have things we enjoy separately; we aren't joined at the hip! But, also lots of things we enjoy doing together, like our days out on the bike or in cav.

He ignores my mood swings; I ignore his farts. We can both act like absolute dicks, without fear of reproach and often laugh hysterically at the most random things, which is brilliant.
He calls me a soppy cow, but he's an old romantic too; buying me flowers for no reason and surprising me with little treats.

We just 'get' each other which I think is a fantastic quality to have in a relationship.

We don't really celebrate it like an anniversary, but we do observe the date.

So today's blip is a collage of our 'best bits'; one from our first weekend away together, our two trips to the USA, days out and about and from our fake wedding day.

Happy anniversary Mr A, here's to many more memorable years together.....love you millions :-)

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