A Glow Over Berry Farm

A dull start to the day but it was dry.  The afternoon came and so did the rain and wind.  It's stopped raining this evening but still fairly windy.

Back to work, after my week off.  It's been a busy day for me.  We had an event starting at lunchtime but I had to setup everything first.  They were using our auditorium, boat hall, foyer and also in the cafe tonight.  After tea, I went down to see granny at the care centre, also picked up sister Laura along the way.  We had a great fun with granny and others too and popped along Laura for a cuppa on my way home again.  Off to work in the pub tonight. 

Last night I went for another walk about Scalloway, this time after midnight.  I saw a glow in the sky and headed up towards Ber Farm, to get away from the street lights.  The northern lights weren't their best but still fine to see the glow of them in the sky.  Taken over Berry Farm house, Scalloway. 

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