A Baby Shower

Today Dana and I picked up Joni and the three of us drove  Dana drove, bless her, and Joni and I rode along to Freemont ( a two+ hour journey) to a baby shower for Lindsay and Adisa's baby which is due the end of January. 

It was quite a party with craft tables where we could decorate onesies and tiny pairs of socks or make a page in a book with stickers, pens, and scrapbook things. My extra is a picture of a two year old little girl hard at work on her page.

This was followed by a game of charades, a table groaning with appetizers,   and a lot of introductions and reintroductions,  We hadn't seen most of the people there since Lindsay and Adisa's wedding 6 or 7 years ago, and we still can't figure out how most of them are related. A blessing of small charms (each of us took one, said what we hoped for for the couple and their coming baby, put it back in a bowl and passed it to the next person. When each person blessed their little charm the bowl was presented to Lindsay and Adisa. They obviously have a big and loving family to help them raise their child.

Dinner followed and I had a nice chat with Adisa's father, a woman with whom Lindsay went to Mills College and a woman who has just moved to California from North Carolina to raise flowers for florists.I brought the quilt I made for the baby, but since Lindsay and Adisa will be flying back to North Carolina, I brought it home with me and will send it to them after putting the name of the baby,  and her birthdate on it.

It was a lovely party, a long day and I am now going to fall into bed.

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