Smuggler's Night

The first Saturday in December is traditionally 'Smuggler's Night' in Rottingdean, so we booked a table at the local Thai restaurant before the event started.  Unfortunately though, due to the weather, the torch lit parade and fireworks were cancelled so it was very quiet compared to normal. There was some 'drumming', fire crackers, flares and a small parade but I only got a few photos and I particularly like this lady's face  - she's rather scary!

Other than that, we've spent the day putting the Christmas tree and decorations up and I'm pleased to say that I'm feeling more or less back to normal :-)

I saw my oncologist last night and he said that basically I've had all the side effects of the new drug, but to a greater extent and for longer than would have been expected which means that the dose was too much for my body.  He's going to reduce it next time and said it won't have a reduced effect on my treatment - I'll still have the side effects, but just not as severe and hopefully not for as long, so fingers crossed!

Anyway, we've had a great night - it felt good to be out!  

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