Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Hola! Flamenco Flashmob

I am strangely proud to report that today I took part in a Flamenco Flashmob, on Rose Street. That's me with the Spanish shades on my head looking, well, insane.

Much fun was had, some people knew what they were doing and some (me) didn't but it really was about taking part. I danced the Rhumba and another dance that at the end you had to sort of charge like a bull. Exhilarating dancing and amazing music and musicians. When everybody is clapping and stamping their feet it really did make your heart pound!

I love dance and this was my first foray into this magnificent art form. Do not get me wrong, I very very much doubt that I will EVER pursue this as a hobby but I would love to seek it out to watch as performance.

Very liberating all that dancing in public, once the seal is broken there is no stopping you, no matter how bad!

Sooo, dancing (???) in a flamenco flashmob, as things to do before I am 40 (for the countdown is on)... TICK.

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