Water Safety Course.

I'm back down in North Wales this weekend. It's the British Association of International Mountain Leaders AGM tonight, so to make the most of the travelling I've booked onto a course today.
Leaving home at 5am the weather was as bad as I've seen in a long time - but my early start soon got a lot worse when I first witnessed then stopped to assist at a bad RTA. The emergency services probably arrived in under ten minutes - but comforting and trying to help the young man, so obviously badly hurt and trapped in his car, well, it felt like forever.

Passing Manchester I thought perhaps I'd cleared the storm - but turning west along the A55 it ferociously returned, as I arrived in Snowdonia the flooding seemed hugely apt for today's course.

The 'lake' in this blip isn't normally there, the Brenis bridge is now closed and the river is approximately 10 foot up.

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