London day 2

WHAT A DAY!! Katie had breakfast with Uncle Simon, and ate his advent calendar (He then claimed Alicia's) before we all said goodbye around 7.30 and headed our separate ways. We went across London to find our dear friend J, who was beyond welcoming especially considering it was 8.15. She spoilt us rotten with beautiful pancakes, everything imaginable for brunch and wonderfully relaxed playtime before whisking us upstairs to work her magic on some portraits. It was a fabulous time. Katie made dear friends with her dog, and also with a Steiff monkey. We walked Cosmo and Katie charged round the park before we went into the city. She wanted to go see Hamley's Christmas window and also got a giant bubble. We headed to Liberty to see their Christmas displays and she vanished off with J for a wander. 

Katie and I then said our goodbyes before we made our way to the afternoon treat - tickets to see the Lion King!! She loved it even more this time than she did when we went 2 years ago. And the seats were even better. This time she got to see the animals coming on down the aisles at the start and was amazed. We were right near the box where they wave various items/puppets too. It was brilliant!! 

After the show we met back up with J and another friend. We walked back to Covent Garden where the little pickle chose a new friend and also Nala to befriend her Simba toy. She went to play on the Lego train again. It then reached "Katie in major need of food" time so we walked over to Leicester Square and fed her. After which she was full of bounce again. We said goodbye to J and went to M&M world for the obligatory pick and mix. The Christmas Fair had opened by then so she and I went on the carousel and she had a go on the kiddy rollercoaster. She then devoured a chocolate fountain fruit kebab before we had to head to our train home. She had a little cry as we got to the station because she didn't want to leave... I kind of agreed! 

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