By 8am

2years 254days

..... we had baked and decorated two batches of biscuits, created a handmade gift, iced and decorated a cake and made a card. And done the first batch of washing up, hung the first load of washing, cleaned up and fed Katie, Mummy and the rabbits. Not bad, huh?!

And now, at 9.20 am, Katie has gone back to sleep. She curled up on the sofa, asked for a blanket and to be patted, and is fast asleep. Which slightly throws the plan for Church by 10am.

The sun si out today, so the cover has come off the swimming pond in the hope that after Church it will be nice to play in as we have friendies coming over. We're going out for lunch with Victoria and Jaden, then coming up for (hopefully) splashy fun, lots of eating, playing and laughter.

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