Retro Portrait

20months 10days

The light in my room on a morning is fabulous. And I have red linen and curtains so one side gives a wonderful red colour cast, which combined with the yellow colour cast from katie's tshirt gave a retro feel to this portrait. It's SOOC and I quite like it.

We had our lovely friday morning. She managed to stay awake for soft play this week, although it was a little short as I arrived in the town and got called into a quick meeting! She was happy to see lydia and lucy as she's not seen them in a while. But she was then really happy to see Ava. They both seemed to enjoy gymnastics today. There were lots of beach ball activities, to their delight. Katie was even more excited than normal to do the puzzle bit of the morning. She was itching to get into the apparatus course today. At the last song time, she ran over to hold the hand of her instructor, which made me gooey as she's never been brave but often looked like she'd like to.

Katie has a new Wiggles video, a sing song one, and I have realised that the CD we use at gymnastics is the full video on CD. And I suspect I'm going to grow to loathe them. Although katie dancing to "Quack-quack-quack-cockadoodledoo" is amusing.

After the classes (no need to stop for lunch, Katie ate it during gymnastics!) we took Sarah on a final shopping destination, and she managed to find her usual collection of fabulous clothes that she always leaves with! It was then a very sad time, as we said goodbye. But we'll see her in a month, so that's good.

We then went and had a wander with a friend, got Katie a couple of very cute little outfits from the sale. On the way home, we were stuck in very very very slow traffic. I learnt a valuable lesson: no matter how desperate you are to keep your child awake, don't give them a nobblybobbly in their carseat. The carseat is probably still swearing at me as I type.

We've had some great new words/sentences the last couple of days - including "and that one" when I didnt pick the right bread, naughty, cold, umbrella, boing, "dropped it", "my have it", "katie hands sticky"

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