
By FarmerGirl

My Wee Town

My family is so into this blip thing, that they come up with lots of suggestions as to where we could go to get today's blip. So today's suggestion was made by my eldest son C; he thought it would be a good afternoon to walk up the Skyline walkway, just out of town, to take a picture of the town and the surrounding area.

While the Skyline Walkway has fantastic views once you get to the top, it's getting to the top that is the difficult part - especially for the unfit like me! It is rather steep, and at this time of the year where there has been a lot of rain and snow, the track is quite slippery in places. We had to stop several times along the way up to have a breather (I had better correct myself here - we had to stop so I could have a breather), but we eventually reached the top.

This picture was taken at the top, and shows most of our wee town. The river you can see is the Buller, and the mountain with the snow on it is Mt Murchison.

I wonder what my family have planned for tomorrow's blip?

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