
Set off early this morning as we had promised my Mum we would tidy up her garden before we started our holiday.
She did warn us it was a bit overgrown, but that was an undersatement. It was a veritable jungle out there. Fortified with bacon butties and a mug of tea we set to work. Chris tackled the hedges whilst I set about weeding. The old greenhouse was a veritable jungle, practically has it`s own eco system it was that overgrow.
A few hours later all was done. Mum was happy, we was knackered.
Set off again up the M58/M6 towards Keswick, arrived about 3, dumped the bags in the appartment and went to Booths to get food shopping.
We have now been fed and watered, the dog has been walked and is gently snoring in tandem with Chris who has fallen asleep on the sofa.
I`m going to have another brew before going to bed.
Check out yesterday....my final blip of he pavement artist, he was about an hour away from finishing.....

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